Feminine Power and Adornos
Ladies, do you have something to say? Dance it!
Followers do so much more than just following! Let's give colour and spice to our every move, every dance!
Let's learn how to walk like cats, use those beautiful feet and even suggest moves and our own interpretations to our leaders!
Upcoming Feminine Power and Adornos Workshop:
Wednesday, May 23, 7 - 9 pm
More in the future!

Dear Ladies,
Be expressive!
Uncover your full potential and all your power!
Years ago I watched an interview with my favourite tanguera in which she talked about dancing women being beautiful, strong, and very courageous. Indeed, women in tango can look like pantheras and tigresses, and conquer and express themselves.
I am an absolute believer in active following. I encourage you to be active! And I am here to share with you how to do it with grace, elegance and to mutual pleasure of you and your partner. Let's be strong and beautiful, but let it compliment and enrich the dance, not obstruct it!
How to book: Register! Places limited to max. 10 participants
When and Duration: 2 hours. Wednesday, May 23, 7 - 9 pm
Cost: £20 per Person
Location: Central London
Waiting for you and looking forward!
You have so much in your dance! It's like I start a sentence and you finish it, and make it sound great. It inspires me! (P.)
Be a beautiful, strong, expressive and inspiring follower! Femininity is amazing!
You have wishes or want to ask me a question?
+44 755 278 7401