TangoBETTER #6, February 23-24 2019, London | Maria Filali | Jean Gaudin (special guest)

Dear friends!
Below is the practical information about TangoBETTER weekend #6. Please note that intense practica itself is only available for participants who booked in advance! This is an event for advanced level dancers.
HOWEVER, as we also want to make the exceptional teaching of Maria and Jean's coaching available to EVERYONE, we will organize a series of workshops and coaching sessions that will be open to all. These will be announced on the Specials by TangoBETTER page!
TangoBETTER Intense Practica with Maria Filali
“Embrace the other as well as yourself”
Studying the embrace as a pragmatic and efficient, but also as a sensitive and meaningful tool of communication.
In this TangoBETTER intense practica, we will work with Maria Filali who will lead our study for 10 hours in two days. We will work on technique, connection and on discovering who we are and what our value is, as dancers.
Expect a lot of reflection, asking yourself important questions and opening up to yourself and your partner in the dance. This TangoBETTER will be about honesty in our dance, about communication, about growth and about overcoming barriers we all have. As always, TangoBETTER practicas are taken in couples.
A blend between knowing what to do and knowing how to be. A blend between control and release. A blend between "How do I do this?" and "Why do I do this?"​
Dance Coaching Sessions with Jean Gaudin
As a very special feature, we invited a renown dance coach and choreographer Jean Gaudin to come to London from Paris and give individual dance coaching sessions to 8 couples. Jean in not a tango dancer but an interdisciplinary dancer and coach with 30 years of experience.
A coaching session with Jean will mean you (in a couple) will come with an idea, a question, a goal you want to achieve. Jean will work with you individually for 2 hours (2 couples simultaneously). He will discuss with you your aim and then analyze your dance from the point of view of a professional dancer and choreographer. Then he will help you achieve your goals by giving you fresh and unique perspectives, pushing you in new directions, and offering you a plan of action that will expand your horizons.
More about Jean and his work here: About Practica Leaders
TangoBETTER will be in a closed "practica" format but inclusive of other people as well. We will be working for total of 10 hours over Saturday and Sunday. We will start with open workshops on both days, then have practica as usual.
Workshops and coaching sessions by Jean will be open to all, not only participants. This way we can involve the community to the maximum.
We will deepen, explore and experiment with concepts from workshops in the practica, to make the experience go from simple to complex.
Registration for TangoBETTER: private event will be for upper-intermediate, advanced and professional dancers. Registration will open on December 12, 2018. Participants can also choose to register for coaching sessions with Jean. For that, register HERE.
Registration for publically open workshops and coaching sessions will be open to all here: Special with Maria and Jean
TangoBETTER #6 will cost 100 GBP p.P.
Our 10 hours total with Maria Filali will include 6 hours exclusive guided work just within the closed group, plus 4 hours of workshops open to all.
This price includes all 10 hours plus various snacks and water.
Coaching Sessions with Jean Gaudin will cost 100 GBP per couple
- 2 hr long sessions
- only 2 couples simultaneously
- 8 couples total in 4 sessions
If you have to cancel, participation fee is 80% refundable if the event is fully booked and there is someone on the waiting list who can take take your space. If nobody can take your space, participation fee is non-refundable. Please speak/write to me privately to discuss.
If only one participant can't join TangoBETTER, it is a task of the couple to find an exchange of a similar level. I will try to help as much as I can but you know better who you like dancing/studying with!
Maya Meeting with guest speaker Maria Filali.
Further info and booking: Maya Meetings
We dance at milonga Negracha
Location: Flow Dance studio
1-3 Brixton Rd
Kennington Business Park
Canterbury Court Unit 3
SW9 6DE, London
5 mins walk from OVAL (night tube!)
TangoBETTER day 1
Studio open 13.00-19.30
Start at 13.15 (You have time to sleep in and have breakfast!)
Location: Colomba Studio in Camden
31 Oval Road, London NW1 7EA
1. Workshop open to all, 2 hrs:
Posture in movement
Connection, movement in space, individually and in couple.
Timing in the connection, continuity in linear movements and in changing direction
All Levels
This workshop is included for the TangoBETTER practica participants!
1 hr lunch break
2. Closed group Practica
Topic: Quality of movement / density / presence.
The “subtext” of the embrace: communicating the "state of your body and mind" through your connection.
16.15-19.15 with a mini-break
Advanced, Professional and Upper Intermediate Levels.
Dinner with all participants together (8pm)
TangoBETTER day 2
Studio open 12.30-19.00
Start at 12.45 (You have time to sleep in and have breakfast!)
Location: Colomba Studio in Camden
31 Oval Road, London NW1 7EA
1. Workshop open to all, 2 hrs:
The use of the spiral in the dance
For a fluid, continuous dance / with special focus on connection mechanism in circular movements.
Developing movements into on and off axis
All Levels
This workshop is included for the TangoBETTER practica participants!
1 hr lunch break
2. Closed group Practica
Topic: Connection and density.
Discovering the Individuality of each dancer in the couple.
“Diving” into ones emotions to find a reason to move.
15.45-18.45 with a mini-break
Advanced, Professional and Upper Intermediate Levels
Dancing in milonga all together
Coaching sessions with Jean Gaudin:
4 sessions only, 2 hrs each, 2 couples simultaneously.
TB participants and other couples welcome.
Times will be organised individually.
- TB Participants will do the sessions outside the schedule of Intense Practica (mornings / Friday evening)
- Other couples can choose to do the session during Saturday evening
Each couple will be asked to come prepared: what is it you want to achieve, what would you like to work on, what are your questions?
Friday 22.02, 19.00-21.00
Saturday 23.02, 10.30-12.30
Saturday 23.02, 17.30-19.30 (for non-TB Participants)
Sunday 24.02, 10.00-12.00
Please find all necessary information by clicking on one of these:
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