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Finding a PERFECT partner #1

IMPORTANT QUESTION that never stops popping up, registration after registration. HOW DO WE FIND YOU, DEAR PERFECT PARTNERS? Practical tips. _____________

You are very eager to learn and improve, you want to take workshops and practice as much as possible. All you need is a partner (in crime). How do you find him/her?

Here is what we do to find our own partners, and so far it has always worked. Give it a try!

1. Sit down and actually write down a list of all people you like dancing with. If most of your tango contacts are on Facebook, open your friends list and write down every name of every person you like from that list. Think locally, nationally and internationally. Go to milongas and look around, did you miss anyone on that list?

2. Keep this list and add to it whenever you meet someone new and wow-wonderful.

3. Select your top 10 dancers from this list. These are you first references you will talk to.

4. When a workshop comes up that you want to do, write a message or personally speak to these 10 people. THE KEY TRICK IS TO ASK PEOPLE. If you don't ask, they might not even know!

5. Do differentiate dancers location-wise. If it's a single local workshop with a visiting teacher, chances are your international friends won't come for this, even if they like dancing with you. If an event is bigger and they can have the whole weekend, for example, they might be interested.

6. HOW TO ASK: a) be nice and be honest. Say you really like dancing with them, and that they were one of the people you first thought about; b) Ask them if they'd be interested in the event/practica and provide more information WHY you want to do this particular thing; c) Try to not take it personally if they refuse (can't / no time / don't like the teacher / don't want to study, only dance / no excuse whatsoever / no answer at all); d) If it's a no, say thank you and "maybe next time", don't give up hope!

7. Give people some time to think about it, and try to write them as early as possible. People often plan up their lives to the rim!

8. If none of these 10 people replied, move on to other people on your list. TRUST US, there is ALWAYS someone willing to do a workshop or practice. You just have to find this connection! _____________

We offer more advice on finding partners and using all possibilities for improvement here: Looking for a Perfect Partner #2

We hope this is helpful, and please do let us know in the comments if you have other strategies.


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